Peggy #2

7 months is really not a long time. In the grand scheme of life, 7 months is a blip on the horizon. However, the last 7 months have been the fastest 7 months ever. Sophie is growing up so fast and I feel like if I blink I will miss it. Sophie has two teeth now already and is so strong on her feet.

64860_10151364434947153_1458131218_nShe has an activity station and she spends most of her time standing in it rather than sitting and playing. She gets on her feet and stays still for a good few seconds before toppling into the seat. She turns her head when you call her name, and she says Dada all the time.

Sophie has also learned to wave. She copies when her Daddy says ‘hello’, waving at her. My daughter waves. It doesn’t feel like it was five minutes ago that she was this skinny legged little baby plopped onto me after birth. And now she can stand, wave and has two little teeth. 599082_10151364434962153_989678345_n

I never knew how hard it was to watch my daughter grow up. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing her develop and discover everything, but she is changing before my eyes and I want time to slow down so that I can treasure these moments. I want to have more time right now so I can look at her and count all her eyelashes, and when she’s quietly sat in my lap with her dummy and playing idly with my bracelet hold her a bit longer, a bit tighter.

Before I know it, she will be climbing up the sides of things and running full pelt across the park and trying on her very first school uniform.

I wish time could slow right down and let me have these moments for longer. I am so proud to have been chosen to be her Mummy.

Dinky Pegs
Dinky Pegs